13:48, still in fast.  Not that hungry, to be honest.  More focused on projects, and somehow getting this office decluttered.

15:30…..  Call over.  Yes another.  This one with someone from wine’s world and business, industry.  Not saying who, or at which winery, but one that has my attention.  My attention is sharp at this desk now, not letting a single gust or small atmospheric push move me one way or any way.  Just not allowing it.  I’m standing place, present and impassioned.

Missing the Nurse, but see her tomorrow, early, then driving to….

Not saying.  Who knows who’s reading.  Wait for the book, salivating coyote.  It’s Friday, and I have that Friday attitude that you could call cliché or obvious, but I feel celebratory.  Of me.


My efforts, my writings, my ability to survive and adapt, go back to who I really am.  HAPPINESS, in this #professormikey role.  Newly etched and architected.  Bliss, zen, light, understanding of this room, this condo, how I arrived.

Smooth jazz, background noise, reminds me of the cruise I went on YEARS ago.  And how I hope to go on one with the Nurse.  At some point.  Maybe our honeymoon…. WHOOPS.