


Morning meeting.  “Opening meeting” the call it.

Need to clean and clear this desk.  Too much clutter, too much of way, way too much.

Latte.  Notes.  Jack this morning making sure we’re on task, minding time and our departure to Santa Rosa.  All kids sleeping well, better than me.  Me waking at 4-something with thoughts of projects and content creation, the MSP, wine and running, everything.  I couldn’t really get back to sleep and when I did doze off a bit I looked at my phone and saw it was less than 10 before the alarm so I just said fuck it and shot up.

Charging watch, planning to launch at noon or a couple bits before.   About to write in journal, pen, ink, page, only my eyes having any type of access.


Day getting busier.  Conversations and projects, still haven’t written on actual pages.  Will after a quick coffee refill.  Yes, latte already dead.  Going to one person for one thing, another another.  Sometimes I have to find the humor in it.  And I do.

Don’t need to respond to EVERY message right away.  Learning this as I go.  Messaged someone and they haven’t responded, so….