
Vacaville, CA.


Back from visiting Nurse at work, getting quick dinner with her then trip to Nugget, then driving home and getting pulled over but not.  Sirens in mirror, I pulled over, rolled down window.  Heard a cop saying something, I asked “What?”

Thought he asked if I had a gun.  I put my hands out the window, then he said “Person in the car, you can go.”

“Did you say I can go?”

“Yes,” he said.

“Then why did you pull me over clown,” I wanted to say.

Anyway, other than the great meeting earlier, that’s my day.  About to open a Pinot, wait for the Nurse.  Oliver the dog next to me having a couple bites from his bowl and Fig the feline hopping up on the table then me picking up the little squirt bottle threatening to pull the trigger but he doesn’t budge.  I shoot, he runs.

Laugh a little then look at notes from day.  Not many.  Idea for a blog, the Nurse and I and out adventures dining out.

Mind everywhere, and trying to get it to settle.  Get some of the fire back, some of the madness in my prose I was known for years ago.  When I was teaching.  One of the tenured at SSU calling my lecturing fast and furious, “flawless and passionate”.  How do I get that back?

Something has happened to me, and I feel it coming back but slowly.  I need to let more out… be more honest in my paragraphs.  Care less who’s reading these pages and posts.  What can they do?  I mean really, what can they do send the writer death squad to bump me off?  Wish they would try…

Nurse’s hospital today under a cyber ransomware attack.  And I guess it’s rather severe.  Interesting, and terrible.  Could affect people’s pay, patient care, lots of things.  Who would make such a horrible move?

Pinot open, giving it a sec.  Fig jumps up on table I pick up bottle and he flees.  Story of the day, driving and meeting and more driving.  Taking self out to lunch at the Asian spot on the corner then to see a friend at work, have a glass of SB, then back on the road a couple hours after.

This is my new writing spot, at this table with the circling and prying pets.  Fig jumps up on the counter behind me, the island if you would, sniffing the flowers I got the Nurse.  I fire once and he runs into the next room.  And I learn something from his persistence, him risking being ‘shot’.

Still puzzled by those cops that flashed their lights.  And yes, there was an SUV and a bike.  Maybe they were practicing?  Did they want to see if I would, I don’t know, give chase?  So weird.

Message the Nurse, see how her besieged campus is doing, if her patient is out yet or being wheeled to their room or downstairs to be picked up.

Could write about her, and I should.  This beautiful Nurse and what she does.  How she arrived to her current story.  Would want her permission of course.

OR, enact her character in mine, in my Story, this new FREEDOM I have.  More on that later if I remember.