
Moving like a deer, quick, bouncing, nearly airborne.

Everything music.  All types have sound.  Met another team member, nice guy… used to be a cop now he’s in IT.  Fascinating…Thinking of my story, how many pieces of content can I produce in a day.  New spreadsheet, ticket generated.

Started ticket.  Checking in with tickets in the MSP atmosphere.  Another one pops up. Making note after call.

Moving quicker and the ideas wrap themselves around me.  11:11

Made score card for wine tasting on Friday.  Not set on what wines to pour…. Seven total.  Not sure if that’s too much, but that’s what I wrote out.

11:24…. Remembering the last few days.  Yesterday with the Nurse assembling that bed in the other room, at the Villa.  The Mexican place where we had lunch in downtown Vacaville.

Wine and the wine blog, my own winery…. My element.  Nurse and I doing karaoke last night, just the two of us at the villa, and she said that was my element, that I missed my calling.  Had to laugh, but also assess her words.  Interesting.  Am I missing something?  Need I adjust or amplify somewhere?

Simple answer, yes.  And I know just where to attach afterburners.  

Waning lunch somewhere.  Do I give in, or fight it off…. Stay in office and write in the kitchen.  Indecision, just decide Mikey, repeated and repeated again.  Leaving, Whole Foods, find something there.  Post content from phone.  Done.  Easy.