12-27-23 –> 09:03 – In meeting.  Latte.  Rain.  Nurse left a bit ago, dropped me off here at the loft.

Tickets are again the primary aim today.  And I’m feeling SO alive this morning, for so many reasons.

Photog project being given a sharp shove, but lovingly, today.

Move money…. DONE.  Nurse asking me what my goals are for ’24, the first things I want too get done.  Running, a stay on the coast with her, then something business related, for the kids.

Tired of waiting, I told her.  Now time to take.

Latte done and I need more caffeine.  Rain outside has me feeling calm, grateful, unafraid.



Wasn’t going to write about my first therapy appt, but switched mind.  I feel amazing, freer than usual and I am feeling most free and freed since meeting the Nurse and growing with her.

Mental Health, making it a project.  Writing Road, aim, principle priority… find the Mental Health and strength and love in EVERYTHING.

My kids, family, some friends, the Nurse of course, experiences like the call I just had.  I am FREE.  I am freeing myself from certain “triggers”, people, voices, situations, interactions, communications… I’m just done.

12:04, thinking of taking myself to lunch but then I hear the rain intensify and remember my car is in the shared lot, I wanted the Nurse to park her car in the garage.  Should I DoorDash something?

Want to celebrate somehow, but how.  What do I do…?

Thinking about it too much.  Save money, I tell myself, and stop thinking about it.  Photography, looking for another pic after finishing my edits on one of the shots from my drive to VV on Xmas eve.

Things are about to change, I have never been more certain.

Looking at my camera, seeing a new Road and writing purpose.  Photog as a means of meditation.  Another older pic of the kids, goldmine.