3-27-24 —> 06:53 up with Nurse.  Blowdrying her hair, me looking to see when today’s two calls

are.  One, yes excited.  Like the company and the tech they deploy.  The other call more toward EOD, merely an exercise.  They’re trying to sell me, bait me into something, and more than likely will come nowhere near my number.  Looking forward to toying with them, honestly.

Take Nurse to work then me working from the Fairfield Peet’s I’d imagine.  Hoping for a run around here later, then dinner with a couple of her longtime friends at some point in evening.

Forcing fruition, that is the theme of the week.  And next.  And all the fucking weeks in this campaign.  OH… one more lead, I nearly forgot about.  Sending materials in today.  Forming more this “brand” of mine.  What I am aside from but still in concert with my work history, where I was before the MSP.  My character and story.

Nurse is nearly done, and I’m to pack up soon.  Building this character of Mike Madigan post-MSP… more positive vocals and lines written, more love, notes… dream last night of a flood in Glen Ellen and I was driving my 1974 Super Beetle from the high school and early college days.  A large wave of water coming down what I think was Arnold Drive, toward the bridge.  I found myself floating in my vehicle, and several large trucks and semis floating in the road-borne mega-puddle.  Was terrified and worried, sure something would hit me.  But nothing did.  I wound up driving away.

Everything worked out fine.  The message being clear, in this period.  The world and my thinking and conscious’ inner-planes deciding fate, ordering me to subscribe.  I woke around 03:00-something, then back asleep a bit thereafter where I had another dream instructing me that I need $25 to start a business.  I couldn’t get enough of this otherworldly orations.

Where my visions go first is a new journal, but I already have one.  What else…. Can’t think.  So then again I stumble upon another conclusion.  I have everything I need now to get where I wish and need be.

Perfection.  07:05…. Soon to Peet’s for coffee.  Made a cup downstairs so my energy can be with flapping wings before at the register ordering a 3 or 4-shot latte and the Nurse’s Coconut Black Tie.