I am furious right now….  I have to calm. Only thing I want to do is write, and ….

I try to snap out of it, but I want to snap at these devils.  Watch what you write… Mike posted this on his blog…


Do something about it.  I am taking this all under my rile and realized fire.  Thanks to the Nurse for her words, literally the only human that understands me right now.  Her, and CLT.

Another espresso made, I want these devils to come at me, to doubt me, to laugh at me and my fight now.  I love it.



Leaving in a bit.  I’m not letting these pigs sink me, or me to sink myself.  Head out to VV, find a writing spot, and do something.  Bring this blog to more life.. Mark even said it again today at lunch, and with emphasis, pointing at me from across the table with a smile – About.EVERYTHING.

Shake, smile, try and call kids though I’m sure my call will be blocked and intercepted.

Quick call with the kids, and they were all smiles. In a hot tub, my little babies.  Seeing them elevates me mood, and fills me with more fire.  I will not settle for ANYTHING.

This story has an added atmosphere of sharpness from my character and core, more, more venom and words, poetics in each step.  Like the Nurse said, think outside the box.

Pack laptop, couple journals, head to VV.  Get the fuck out of this condo, out of Sonoma County, much I love it.  Pack a water…. What music for the drive.  Eric Hilton, haven’t listened to him in a while.

Calming…. I think.