

Money movement… solely for business.  No specifics, just let your imagination do what it will.

Nurse and I talking about 2024 plans, and other.  Not mentioned here.  Again, imagine and enjoy.

Me, elated the 9ers won.  Nothing against Philly, but fuck Philly.

New year involving travel, more time with my kids, more family and love, finishing the fucking book and getting EVERYTHING I want. All for the kids.  And me to a degree, but my priorities of a knee-deep speed.

Tomorrow and the tickets, what I’m thinking about.  But only partially.  Nurse and I about to go to Nugget to get…. Never mind.

Stopping with notes, and in this new year, more notes.  Not so many sentences and torrential paragraphs.

Old pictures off vineyards, from those Dutcher Crossing lunches just walking around and writing in my journal and logging observations, dreaming of the condo I now have and more freedom – WHICH I NOW HAVE – centering me.  I keep planning on buying a new camera but all I’m needing is what I currently hold.

Writers only need the experience.  The day and night and whatever materializes.

Nurse and I discussing… just imagine.  Ambiguity, my sharpest spear tip.