08:01…. Day aloft.  Four emails sent.  Message Nurse again.  Now cold in here.  I’m back and forth, a funny sort of manic.  I have to laugh at myself this morning, I really do.  Kids and work and working from home, needing groceries later… birthday party tomorrow and soccer later then after soccer end-of-season pizza party….  Then maybe some calm?

Single dad life bringing all the education needed or that I could ever want.  They only want to enjoy their mornings, that simple.  And Henry, same.  Should make him a lunch soon….  Shit, do I have stuff for him?— YES, yes I do.  Sorry, getting frazzled and self-doubting now.

The MSP story, how tickets are generated and finding out what the User count is at a business… how to communicate Tech Advisory.  That’s what’s magnetizing me, since day one in this new place.

Reasoning with myself, new language.


No stress, only strength.  Saying to myself working from home with all 3 here.  No stress, only STRENGTH!!!!

10:57 – Breakfast and picking something up from their mothers, for Jack and Emma each.  Back in loft.  Henry’s lunch made, and still staying in communication with work.