Little bit of football outside, then I noticed them slowing down. We come inside sit on the couch I try to schedule activities, a trip or drive somewhere. Almost reach consensus, then shootout erupts between Jack and Emma.  Emma flees to her room after being attacked by Henry while Jack antagonizes and initiates.

Rather than try to force anything, or make myself and them think we have to have some big activity or outing planned, I remember… it’s our chill day, as Jack again reminded me on the couch.  I let them do their thing while I continue with laundry, chores and cleaning, tending to the MAP.

Henry sits on my bed and talks to me while I fold, message from my nurse friend.  She too, delighted to have. Day off with nothing scheduled, no obligations.  Except she’s by a pool and I’m shoveling clothes piles from the 3rd’s hall to my bed then to closer or drawer.  I have to laugh, laundry…. Like my wife used to say, “It just keeps piling,” or something.  It’s true.  I find it to have strange literary and comedic weight though.  Not sure how to expand on that…