Kerouac ... Three years ago today, 6/20/20/

Going to dinner with neighbor in a bit, the Thai place behind that one building on, what street is it?  Windsor Road or River Road?  All the streets here sound alike, to me.  Like Healdsburg.

This is the tired talking.

Okay… so dining out tonight, Tomi Thai with Ms. Jenny, we’re going dutch of course… what does that bring my monthly meals out total to?  I’ll figure it out later. 

Old pictures of Jack landing on the Facebook memories … feel like I’m fucking 90.  But so grateful and excited to see how his character further frames itself.

What today taught me… ZEN.  Love… FAMILY.  Of course gratitude and I don’t want to overstate it, but…. Has to be noted.

Sketching new mind.. new approach and how I translate what others say.  The curved and bizarrely hilarious conviction.  Comedic interpretation, and they offer it.

I say that not out of anger, but GRATITUDE.

Taught so much on what not to be, habits I need to split.

Love, the opportunity, the Healdsburg home, eventual.  Watching my babies run through rows, SB or Cab, Chard or whatever.  So much ahead…

So much WHAT? ……. Happiness.  Love.  Family.

The story has mammothly morphed, today.