Interesting, the technology of this company. And how it’s used… this one product/service of the remote guarding.  Unexpected, how it charges me, lights me like a needy wick.  Freer in this new Now… new conversation, see where it goes, with ME.

Publishing everything…   there is no “draft”.  Write, release.  When I AM at the vineyard on West Dry Creek, presently where I’m looking, I’ll think of mornings like this.. where I was buzzing around like a rattled wheel, stressing and cursing.  More importantly, I’ll remember how I took control of my thinking, what I was saying and repeating to myself. How I reshaped my attitude, how I chose to only impress myself.

This is a liberation truly musical.  Grateful.  How I’ll run my business, be it prop tech or wine, something to do with fitness and health, all of it.  All of it will be in these meditative halls.

A drive

More music

Realizing that I’m realized

In the day

This one and the next

Door not restricting

Nothing is missing


Don’t hear the washing machine anymore.  Racing to the 3rd to check on it.  11:30, closer to departure time.  Reviewing some notes…