6/13/17 entry

Didn’t have much time to write yesterday, with going to the winery and a meeting with a prospect, coming home and getting tossed into daddy form like a meat piece to a pissed off, famine-pushed lion.  But here I am.  In home, writing.  Jumping around from project to project like some demented art-bat who only knows he wants to create and that’s about it.  But I should be more focused on capturing the moment I’m in, relaying it to you, the reader, but as well to my now-self and future self to learn from it, learn from everything.  07:53… have to be on Road soon.  Who knows when the cleaning ladies will be here, so that makes me write even faster…

In business, it’s more than a balance of everything… or, more a harmony… or, more embracing the mess and making Art from it.  That’s where I am now.  Looking around the bottom floor of this Autumn Walk Studio, puzzle pieces and baby clothes, toys and a bicycle helmet, my coffee cup which gets colder as I type, push each black button… I have to breathe, and just log everything.  At winery today, just note what’s around you tallying.

I have time to write, right now, but not much.  And that’s fine.  I have what I have.  Creatives— don’t focus on voids, rather celebrate in your surpluses, what heaps and overflows.  Right now I have a crippling urgency about my Personhood to take on more projects, schedule around my daddy life, wine life, teaching life (which starts up again on Monday of next week), reading life (which I need to put more focus into), general family life. I’ve never seen ‘I don’t have enough time’ or ‘There’s not enough hours in the day’ as permissible logic.  If you’re truly a creative, you’ll place pieces where they need be— you will sculpt a beauteous structure.  But you have to stay, as I ALWAYS affirm, Tireless.