A New And

…..  Mid-month, Jackie waking this morning at 5:20-something.  Now we both downstairs and the day is off.  “Why are you up so early, buddy?” I asked.

“No…  You said last night I could do that, ‘cause I wanted to see you,” he answered, with those Bourbon Street-like beads around his neck and those rings he brought home from, I think a birthday party, the other day.  So here we are, downstairs, watching a cartoon, me trying to wake quicker and match his energy.  He makes funny sounds n ow and I laugh harder with each of his expressions, which helps.

Day off for the writing father.  Three objectives, that’s it.  1, write.  2, run.  3, Summer ’16, have the first week ready.  Have to find some books in the garage, which who knows how long that’ll take.  Want to de-clutter a bit, throw some stuff, or a lot of “stuff” away.  But only three prioritizing aims, pas plus (no more).  I thank little Kerouac over there for getting me up so early, even though I really hoped he would go back upstairs and play when I first heard him headed for Alice and I.  No matter, this is better.  So it does matter, then, and in a explosively beneficial way.  Not completely light outside, me staring up at the pink suggestion right above Autumn Walk, clouded and intermingled with shy gentle blueness, a little purple, while I took out some recycling.  I can function early, but not as early and as readily as some people.  If this is to be a lifestyle blog, then my life and its style must include consistent early activity, which means 5AM or earlier, like my student last term who drove the beer delivery/distribution trucks.  But I rub my right eye, stretch a little but even that costs energy.  Drink the coffee quicker, does that help?

Run today— old neighborhood?  [Cup 1, done.]  No, that will cost time with the drive and parking and everything else, and I feel like the day’s story doesn’t call for that.  So around here then, but where—  Need new course.  Park at Oliver’s?  Run up Fountaingrove?  Ugh, hate uphill like that, though.  Too steep.  Shit… then where?  I’ll let the story tell me.  It will, I hope.

Cup 2, abrew.  “But Daddy I really thirsty,” Jackie insists.  I search around for a cup then remember the ones in the dishwasher are clean, so I give it a quick rinse fill with purified and chilled water then a happy beat have we.

Already feel the allergies attacking, but I’m not stopping my words again.  I’m of heightened verdure this morning, thanks to little Kerouac—  two fierce sneezes, and I’m congested.  Goddamnit.  Allergy pill…..

There, hope that works quickly.  Have to submit something to the winery, a blog post, for some edit approval… but still only 3 items on today’s to-do.  Less is better, as that wine industry guy said once.  Now I wait for more, but keeping all simple today.  Already the 15th… need writings to sell…

7:30—  Emma still asleep, Alice off to work, Grandma Cathy with Jackie, and me having done my budgeting, or part of it.  Need writings to sell, and that’s on the list for day, which has gone far beyond 3 items, now, written on a legal pad here at desk, right.  Took some clutter off desk, then some more… throwing away 10 ‘somethings’ today.  Simple, minimal, the day’s goal, even though I quite contradicted my Self with the additions to list.  Oh well, no writer’s perfect.  Like to think I come close, but no.  I know I am so far from close-to-perfect I have no choice but to create from that distance.

Should I run now?…..  Would like to, but I have to hang around to help Cathy.  Totally fine, I don’t work against the story and what it’s set out for me.  Checking on little Emma, this anxious writerfather…

Still asleep.  Obviously needing the rest.  Trying to think what I could do, now.. some research, gather pieces to sell.. Mon Petit Mise, again as an idea ‘live and si bien.  Cash on desk, setting aside for publishing.  $300 and not a cent more.  Here I go again, trying.  But this time ‘round’s more a ‘do’ for this ‘New’, this addition, this more Literary ‘And’ from me— New Mike.  —  IDEA!  Do the Lawndale run!  Would be the first time in years… but no, too far.  Just an idea.  I’ll run around here,  I guess.

