Calming down. Feeling that low after you hit a goal, be it quota or some mileage in running, whatever. Espresso –

and then the fence guy gets here, interrupted.  Not letting it break my already fractured dimension and mind this morning.  Okay…. see what he has to say.

They’re just posted in their vehicles, not sure what doing.  7:55, calming.  Lunch today with IT partner, who just started his own business.  Need contracted gigs myself, doing what I don’t know.  Maybe not then.  and another vehicle shows.  I wonder if our point-person with the company is the owner.  Pretty good-sized operation if so.  He’s not here yet, Oscar our point’.  Think I may have see him drive by just now….

Bored with my prose this morning.  Paid last night, move money around… turning this blog or another into a machine, a company.  Expenses… buy the url, buy a business package from WordPress or one of the advanced packages.  What’s the blog about… be meta with it… work, and finding the work you want to do.  Be it applying for something or starting your own entity.  Note all steps in this project, a step-to-step vision and conceptualization.

Calmed, but more riled with this idea.  This final blog I start – the project to end all projects, blog to end all blogs.  The size of this street and these guys moving their vehicles around adding to stress.  Just focus on meeting with IT friend, Trent, later.

Just heard the first sound of construction.  A saw I believe.  Thinking of this new idea, this new blog… sticking with the prospect-esk name for now.  Prospecting my own mind for new ideas – not so much how to market yourself but to simply tell your story, show your value… NO, not value, but vivacity.  What makes you happy, what you want to do.  Ideas extend from there….

Build, blog, budget… use what Sonic has put in place.  ISP, Enterprise sales division, internet & VoIP… hmmm… now more ideas.  First call queued up.  Two actually…. Email another IT guy, then text another.  Focus today is IT, that’s where it’ll stem from I’m thinking.  Everything from IW (internal wiring) to Sales Engineering, construction and infrastructure… Now I’m seeing more.  In my own ideas.  The earlier sulk fades.  Now, like a bull into the day.

Moved money, now stop.


8:51.  Loud with the saw.  Can’t make calls now.  Think they’re almost done with the sawing portion.  See one of Oscar’s guys over left shoulder and through window sawing what’s left of that side fence.  Talking to Oscar outside, him telling me about his business and how he started it, his family in property management.. more ideas of course, and a potential new partnership or at the very least new conversation.  Love when things like that happen, and love his story and his expanding business… Oscar telling me the jobs are getting bigger and he needs to buy more trucks – him telling me this after me saying how cool it is he has his own little fleet.  I cited the three vehicles here and he replied with a smile a little laugh, “Oh this is nothing….”

Not to me it’s not.  That’s what I want.