Coffee made, one appointment today.

Started not by typing this morning but by writing in the 1948 journal.  Could hear Emma upstairs and just saw her as I was finishing watching news..

Paid from the college today, and just pathetic I thought initially.  But then I thought about how hard I work and exert myself with that “work” then realize it’s money free.

Checking email for something, found it.  Hoping for one more contract this week though I don’t really see that happening.  Changed my vertical a bit – maybe I told you this already – doctors, lawyers, orthodontists, dentists.  Still after Architects, but this is an additional vertical to the one I’ve written about before of ‘ABC’, Architecture Building Construction.  Haven’t had too much luck with that vertical, though have made potentially valuable “connections” and started a couple conversations.  We’ll see….

Sent FLIGHT to director, something I do mainly for habit not because I have to.  In fact he told me when I graduated to full AE that I don’t need to send the daily FLIGHT or EOD.  Need to do a daily FLIGHT for self, and EOD.  Again, for SELF.

Why not…..