Out to change this character, Mike Madigan.  In a way maybe no one expected.  And be loud with it.  One idea,

wake early everyday, no matter what.  If I’m with the Nurse, or the kids, or the rare, very rare morning I’m by myself when waking.  Haven’t centered on a topic, but juggling a couple.

Greatly minimize wine consumption…. This too a leading contend.  Not that I sip excessively, but still, sip less.  See how the character and mind react.

Somehow workout five to six times a week.  Even if it’s walk around the house with those littler weights.  This one I like.  Move a couple weights to the master room, but haven’t interacted much.

Attitude project.  Talked a bit but not a project with the guy, JO, yesterday.  How I react, not giving certain people power to impact my estimation of the immediate, my Now, my life and what I’m doing, where I’m going.  I DECIDE.

Loving my freedom this morning.  Single dad waking with kids, no overseer, no one trying to cut my joy like a sheet of paper so they can experience some ugly gratification that they did.  They would do it just to do it.  But no more.

Taking a break to read something, Medium articles.  New ideas.  This Attitude Project…

Secured domain.  I seek to write and then publish this.  I’m doing it.. I’M DOING IT.  New blog, new writing and book, books.. who knows.  Maybe there’ll be several.  Need more coffee.  I am different this morning after the meeting with JO.

Nurse messages me something sweet again…. Divided and put together again, in the best way.  And when I say divided I mean consideration and adoration, admiration of her and what she does…. Different emotions and perspectives.  Don’t have it precisely inventoried, but that’s where my thinking lies right now.