
Ready for call at 9.  7:58 currently.  Want to be out of studio by 8:15… but I have to put laundry in dryer as I promised wife and have to factor in the melting of that fat ice slab on Passat windshield.  Notes prepped… think I’m ready for the day.  NO.. I’m definitely ready.

Mondays don’t scare me at all.  And in recent months, maybe even for the last year, I’ve been excited about them.  New week, new beginning, new story and goals… LIFE!  What’s not to love about that?

Business note:  Destinations are more about why’s than how’s.  Why do you want your business to be ‘this’ versus ‘that’…. Why do you want to be ‘there’ as opposed to ‘there’, or even ‘here’?