Headed to in-laws for xmas, after

finishing the longest poem I’ve in a while written.  Plan on reading it, somewhere, anywhere, and putting it in first collection, whenever I actually collect pieces for vend.  Quiet in house this morning with family already headed over there, to east of Santa Rosa.  Should bring camera and get some pictures of vineyards.. my new story, with this new year, more a marriage of written and visual storytelling.  Now I can hardly wait to leave, after writing that.  So… quick shower, clothes, store, then drive.  Where’s my camera.. oh, right here to my right, desk drawer.

Gift to Self:  Most crEATive life in the world.  And that’s how I make a living.  A forever “career”.  But more, Life.


Merry Xmas, Readers…..

Give yourself that same gift.. the life you’ve ALWAYS wanted and wished for.  Stop wishing, stop wanting.  Just gift yourself that life, NOW.