Without dwelling on it too much or going on about 9/11, it does remind me that there is nothing that you can do to prevent the future, no matter what it entails.  Good, bad, wonderful, horrible.  The moment you’re in NOW needs more appreciation and study, gratitude and love.  The people in my life, my circle of support… so grateful.

In this office I refuse to let any mood steer me one way or another.  I’m headed to the vineyard, to Sonoma County and maybe some Napa.  Yesterday’s walk and the Nurse saying on our FaceTime call “I love you in a vineyard, your happy place…”

WHY THE FUCK DO I, DID I, EVER LEAVE?  Okay… new assault.  Not he negative, on any distracting agents.  The people at the wineries, from winemakers like my sister and friend Zach to people in the TR – Rony, Petya, Taryn, all my friends from the 2009 St. Francis crew.  All the time we spent together those Sundays…..

My writing on wine, an extended definition and philosophy throw.  One vineyard row and another… then in dormancy when the vines rest, the rain… the huge puddles that can sometimes collect like that one year…