
Woke a bit ago from nap.  No longer tired, or as tired as I was, but definitely achy.  Diminished a bit, the soreness and tight flu feel around arms and back, legs and neck.  Working at desk.  Emailing with Engineer, and logging steps today taken.  Was given an idea today about growing the network in my own way.  Or, really, extending from something the director said about growing our fiberoptic footprint.  Luckily, thankfully – thanking god or the universe or whatever – I’m in house ALL day tomorrow.  Hoping for 5 miles if I feel better, taking self to lunch, making it a fun day for me.  Three consecutive days in the field is a lot.  Marin, South City, then Berk’… yeah that’s a lot.

No wine tonight.  Just sparkling water and maybe a ginger ale later.  Bed early, wake early.  Hungry… maybe some toast, what Melissa just recommended.  Jackie outside by himself.  Need some air…

Jackie looked bummed about something, that he can’t go to his friend’s game.  The younger kids were playing a game of calling this doll names.  “You poopy head!…. stinky dumb butthole baby!” Tried to hold in laughter, but noticed I was not going to be able to so came inside.  Toast at desk.  Now what…