6:56AM.  About to put on coffee, Jackie playing down here with me, and with a returning cough.  Exhausting, his poor little barks and throat-clearings.  But he’s upbeat, attentive and conversational this morning as he always is.  Bringing papers to grade, who knows if that’ll get done.  Just shoot for one paper, I tell myself.  Tomorrow, have to get them all done, all, each one, graded and ready to hand back.  About 36 total days left till term’s end, not that I’m counting.  Other than posting to teaching blog for first time in 8 days and starting coffee, nothing to report.  Cab I tasted last night, the ’11 Napa Valley, will be written about later.  In my thinking last night, thoughts of going for the Somm’, or a Master’s of Wine, but I only thought and will leave it in thoughts past.  I have all the education I need, all the formal schooling and belted orthodoxy.  I write from here, taste what wines I like and go forward.  Edit one page of novel today as well: goal.  How many wine bloggers out there are true writers with my background and a 308-page SELF-published novel?  None.  Just me.  That, is a credential that can’t be earned or bought anywhere.