First tool, an actual journal.  No typing.  I’m talking PEN, INK.  Paper, pages and pages of scribbles and sketches.

Practicing what I profess as Professor Mikey, getting myself out of this mood-mud and into something brighter.  Focusing on LOVE, my kids, others that encourage, listening to my littlest, Henry, play in the loft with his toys and make voices.  I need to do and be the like, with everything.

Stepping away for a bit…. Collection.

Tie-in with Mental Health efforts, happiness, self-care.  Maybe wine…

Wine courses, interesting idea… how about one for each.  Wine, writing, wine AND writing…

Wine last night, the Grenache from Suisun Valley… fun and musical, somewhat of a dancing ghost to be honest, hard to singularize or even extensively describe.


Started a new wine conversation.  This could develop and evolve into something.  Education… sharing ideas like I did in class.

First thing I’d offer, or “teach”, about wine and/or writing – Just taste, write.  Stop thinking.  Stop deliberating and self-doubting, thinking you have to reach ONE location …. Be About EVERYTHING in your story, or “journey”.