Any and all wine pictures.  2015, the Arista days.  Gorgeous lot on Westside Road.  How could I forget.  The Pinots of course, but the Japanese water garden more so, meant for my manuscript.  That one event for the A-List members, where Ben, one of the owners, drove us and some chairs and tables down to the storage shed on a flatbed.  If that’s what it’s called, pulled by him driving a tractor.

This whole story now, is a vineyard.  Me and the Nurse waking up, coffee on a patio.  Sunrise, eased, finally we say to each other but don’t.  We know what’s meant.

My sharpness over the past few days startles me, in the best way.  Found a pic, taking me back to that room.  Pinot, never been a chirper of the grape, and like I’ll stress in the book it’s not the wine, or even the vineyard, but the words.  The conversations, stories and dialogues, characters.

Not sure how many years I have remaining, and it doesn’t matter.  My purpose is the vineyard, and getting there with her.  I’ll write EVERYTHING into reality.

Happiness, doing what you love.  There should be no settlement or negotiation.  It should be one storm of passion in your life.

Rain on the way, and inside with my babies, collecting notes – wine and life and meditation, peace and poetry, anything associated with smiles.  Captured.