Line ridiculously long for coffee.

Should just go back to tasting room.  I’ll stand here for a bit, thumb notes on phone, collect thoughts.

More than likely going to best busy today, so little or no writing time.  Fuck. 

Girls in front of me talking about a book they both read, how it was triumphantly sad.  Something for Elephants.

Line moving quicker than I thought it would, than it had in the past for me.

Left the coffee spot, too many people laughing and joking and annoyingly joyous… So I came back to the tasting room.  No coffee. Fuck that place, the line always takes too long.  So now what should I do? Maybe type a little bit, I think I have some time to get some decent writing in.  Just calm down, I tell myself… See if it works.

Air conditioning on in this room, in no mood to taste any wine, at all.  Goddamn that coffee place.  Drink water instead.  And lots of it.  Started timer last night for fasting, currently at 12 hours and 6 minutes.

IDEAS… need you.  Find me.  Turning around vessel with more honesty in writing.  More risk… hmmmm, then the first idea…