
Back from SHARC pools and resting. All kids with a smoothie Mom made.

Jack and I going down slide together in a double floatie, me again in water and in heat, feeling tired now. Could nap like Henry did earlier. Sipping a Diet Coke, wondering about the rest of the day. Budget, move a little money for project I thought of today and will absolutely bring to life.

Trying to capture as much as I can on this trip, now in much more of a single dad groove with all three. No stress experienced today, not even a little. Well, except when I saw the tab for lunch, nearly $60. That’s two fucking days of resort lunches. Putting stop on it NOW.

Henry at the pool pointing at all the people in the kitty pool next to us, people at the tables on all sides of us eating their lunches or moms sipping their White Claws. This told me to fo-cus more on people, all the ones I know and read about.. make up characters. Maybe write a novel, about something having to do with work, sales and what it can do to you, and for you.

Experiencing time pass in its usual indifference, with Henry especially and how just on this trip he’s changed tremendously. Then the people around me at the pool some just kids and others young parents, then those much older and trouble in their moves, troubling for me to watch them try to move. Getting in and out of the water like it’s taking all muscles in their makeup.

Move quicker, stop thinking about writing and what to write and the fucking if if IF of anything. The only answer is blind leaps. With everything. Point of the AE approach is to use everything around you and in your already set character, to where its developed.

More on this later. Meaning later tonight. Tomorrow morning at latest.