from this morning’s pages

…becoming some different character, somehow.  Something to write about… no more boredom, no more stressing about covid even though everything on the news yesterday and last night said I should be scared out of my mind.  Governor of New Jersey, or the former, Chris Shitsie or whatever, one day catching a fever and not feeling well then he was in the ICU… numbers on the rise in 39 states they said.  Never been one to panic about or fear this thing but now I am.   A little.

I need coffee.  Wine last night was better than I expected, I guess.  I didn’t really have any expectations to be honest.  It’s wine, from my friend’s label, and I drank it.  Not all of it, okay?  Actually I spilled the remainder of the bottle down the drain, knowing a Pinot like that would prune up and taste like a dusty wooden box or overripe prune or something from a tree.  Down the drain, spare self the pain.

Six bottles of Arista Chardonnay and Pinot ordered and delivered to home last night.  My last wine purchase for a while.  Moving money this morning to business ideas and somewhere else.  Paying self some cash for this next week until pay on Friday, then resolution of budget for a few days.

Heard Jack moving, or waking.  His room is right above mine— I mean where I now work, on this couch typing as quietly as I can so I have more time to type about anything… wine or kids, working out or… anything,  Music… re-writing character.  Philosophy, thought, notes, jots in the moment.

Not focused on any one topic and possibly that’s a weak wheel for me.  But how am I supposed to write about wine at 7:30-something in the morning?