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Being in the office is driving me batty. 

No slander against the office and those in it.  They’re my prime learning beacons.  Just need to get out, be seen, start face-to-face conversations.

Still coughing, congested, tired.  Already through an espresso and soon this coffee mug from Sunriver will need its refill.

Bothered by something, not letting it sprout.  Working, finding new opportunities.  Sending emails… me as a Prop Tech “expert” rather than a multi-family one.  Technology for….

Not just property or properties, but the people.  It’s for the people living there.  To keep them safe yes but to reduce costs and contribute to the entity of the property.

Stop saying property so much, I note in journal.  Time for more coffee but then I think “Does seizing upon an opportunity in business and career make me opportunistic?”

No.  I mean, I don’t think so.  Not sure what brought my thoughts there, but that’s what I was thinking a minute ago.  That minute seems like 30 for some reason this morning.

Up to the loft for coffee….

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