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7/25/14, morning

6:20AM.  Alice on her run.  Jackie and I downstairs playing, then a sleep attempt on couch then back to playing.  I attempted to doze with him in the bed but he only saw my being there as an invite to talk, have questions answered and play.  Soon as Alice returns, whenever that is, I’ll run.  Not sure for how long, hoping at least 3 miles, but I will push myself, and if it’s only a short distance then I’ll try to hold something around 7:45/mi.  Today it’s expected to be upwards of 95, and I’m stationed outside, on that bloody patio.  Shade out there is inconsistent, usually annexed before I get to it, and spinning while we’re always forced to leave it, to pour for someone in a more stationed shade.  It’s annoying.  Especially when you know your “teammates” enjoy the air-conditioned waves of the tasting Room.

The sun that I can see, hitting a not-too-distant hill, slightly inclined and completely comprised of trees, shows me the day itself wants to get started and the heat’s not too far from where I’m sitting, in this hour, in this living room with little Kerouac.  Slight pain in my right knee, but nothing that overwhelms me.  I’ll have my jog be gentle.  Safety, I’m 35, and can’t run like I was ten years younger with this level of seriousness and interest.  I know exactly where I’ll go: right on Bethards, right on Summerfield till its end then turn on around, head back to house then to complexes across the street and towards park, towards where Yulupa turns into Bennett Vallley Road.  That should give me about 3 miles I’m thinking.  Still have to register for the Healdsburg half– why not do that now?  And order those Kerouac books I’ve been meaning to get– the letters and journal entries and other notes of his, and Sedaris’ essay collection, study the form, of essaying, a little more.

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